2023: Will Elon Musk become the richest billionaire... AGAIN?
resolved Jun 8

Will resolve to YES if at any point in 2023, Elon Musk comes back to #1 spot at Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List.

Since December '22, Bernard Arnault took over 'the richest billionaire' spot from Elon Musk.

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predicted NO

Thank you for participation in this market!

Let's try it again:

predicted YES

hej stary, czas to kurwa rozwiązać

predicted YES

I will resolve this Yes tomorrow unless there is opposition

predicted YES

@Mirek how?

predicted YES

@Mirek fwiw, I oppose resolving this. I agree that @itsTomekK should resolve it Yes. But the rules are pretty clear with respect to resolving markets that are still open

predicted YES

@MarcusAbramovitch sorry for this, I am still being silly trying to be funny. I hope tom can appreciate. 🤣

predicted YES

Resolves yes

predicted YES

Back to number two, Elon. Such a let down.

predicted YES

This can be resolved.

predicted NO

@Mirek This is afaik totally pointless, and annoying to everyone subscribed to the market. In the least, you could decrease your interval to once every three days.

predicted YES

@makoyass Apologies, it is a joke gone awry. I took it a little too far.

predicted YES

Good 2 resolve it 👍

predicted YES

Please resolve

predicted YES

Resolve please

predicted YES

@itsTomekK Please, good sir. I know it is evening in Poland but please resolve this. I know you probably have work, friends, family, but you mustn't neglect your responsibilities to the Manifold community. 🤣

predicted YES

@Mirek you can sell at 99.9% if you don't want to wait. ❤

He’s at the top of the Forbes real time list, resolves YES.

It happened

@itsTomekK see image above

only 3 Bil away

CNN reports that he is again the richest

Not the resolution source though.

@BoltonBailey yeah that is Bloomberg's ranking, but I wonder how to tell if Forbes is updating every 5 minutes how to know if he didn't pop up to 1st and back down again without anyone noticing.

predicted NO

@AlQuinn He's not that close.

predicted YES

@na_pewno indeed, looks like Bloomberg uses very different methodology, perhaps wrt valuing privately held companies

@AlQuinn I’m sure we can rely on predictors with a big stake in YES to keep an eye on that page and let us know if he pops up to first…

predicted YES