Will Isaac King create 10 more markets in 2023?
resolved Sep 10

His last market was: /IsaacKing/will-anyone-help-me-figure-out-what

Will @IsaacKing make 10 more?

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bought αΉ€500 of YES

He’s back!

predicted NO

@NicoDelon The return of the King

Does it include only that account or also his second account? He currently can't make new markets on his original account because of the negative balance

@jack @DavidChee are we going to forgive that debt?

@ian Probably not. Isaac hasn't replied to my dm so it doesn't seem like he has any intention of returning.

@DavidChee Seems like we should just forgive the debt anyways tho? So that he can use the account if he wants to, regardless of whether he responds to you or not

predicted NO

@ian I'm still not convinced of debt forgiveness and don't think having 1000 mana on his main vs an alt to trade with is a contributing factor on whether he uses the site or not. We can discuss this further if you want, but I dont think that I'd much point to do so as he hasnt even indicated he wants to return.

@DavidChee He's a valuable community member that made a mistake. We already paid out the mana he lost, do we expect him to buy another 30k in order to use his account? What's the point in keeping his account negative? It doesn't do anything other than prevent him from contributing.

@ian his contribution I faced with was: several unreasonable bans of me and other people.

I am fine with stopping him from contributing, he is the most toxic person on the platform.

@KongoLandwalker also I feel he would live a better life never coming back. He might need a therapy, not another chance to be sucked into "being right" game.

Isaac hasn't replied to my dm so it doesn't seem like he has any intention of returning.

I'm only checking Discord every few days now, just like I am with Manifold. I'll probably go through my messages there later today or tomorrow. Wasn't about you in particular, I was ignoring everyone equally.

I'm still not convinced of debt forgiveness and don't think having 1000 mana on his main vs an alt to trade with is a contributing factor on whether he uses the site or not.

Note that this implies that if it were a contributing factor, you'd be more likely to be in favor, and that provides an incentive for me to say I'll only come back if it's forgiven. I'm not going to do that, but you probably want to make policies in a way that doesn't make it easy for people to extort you.

To answer the object-level question, placing bets and creating markets on my alt account is only a minor inconvenience for me. It does slightly lower the engagement I'll get (fewer followers there), and I'd no longer have the incentive to maintain my position on the market creator leaderboard. Also, it would be annoying for people to click on my name and only see half my activity on the single account page they're shown.

You could always swap the balances of my two accounts in order to remove those downsides while not forgiving the debt.

My primary reason for leaving is not that my balance is highly negative, no. It's all the other reasons I've already described elsewhere. Those would need to be at least partially resolved before I'd actively want to use the site again.

Also, seems worth noting that Manifold's policy in the past has been "if someone's account goes negative, we don't consider them to owe us mana, and it's fine if they want to abandon that account and make a new one". This was explicitly stated, by you if I'm not mistaken. Treating me differently seems like yet another inconsistent application of the rules, though admittedly here I'm definitely a special case.

@ian Don't play favorites. Don't subsidize poor judgement. Don't forgive the debt. Don't think this means I don't respect Isaac (I do).