Will the ⭐ (star) ratings to markets/creators system be removed by the end of July?
resolved Aug 1

it's basically a social score to evaluate the handling of a market rather than the quality of a market.

A trivial market resolved correctly vs A controversial market handled well get the same score currently.

It's also quite subjective as you're rating the creator and people may use it to spam low ratings on other users they dont like. A like/dislike counter per market would be better to surface high quality markets to the top.

Will manifold remove the ⭐ ratings to markets/creators system by the end of July?

Edit: If the system is removed and later added back in, this market resolves to YES as the system did indeed get removed.

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"Will the ⭐ (star) ratings to markets/creators system be removed by the end of August?"


predicted NO

@UniversalFC Don’t fret over it. You’ve got a 4.9 rating. You’re all good. Nobody cares if you get a few suboptimal reviews. Surely not worth stressing over.

@UniversalFC haha! what a scream, you better tell everyone how you put one-star ratings to users whose markets compete with yours! no one has come to this here, you are the only user who sits here for the sake of advertising your company. I have already written a letter to Christer Norvik and his brother! Let them see what you're up to!

@UniversalFC you even made a fake account @HowardChesterton to rate other users, what a pity! you can give me a zero rating at least a hundred times)) I did not advertise or spam anything in your boring markets! You don't have to write it. All your actions are in logs, and you KNOW PERFECTLY THAT YOU STARTED THIS CRAZY!

Meeting notes say David works on them. Looks like they will stay with us for some time

predicted NO


I like the idea of a way to make sure creators stay honest, but this isn't good currently. You can just make 5 star reviews from your alts, as you have been doing, or from your friends, as Levi has been doing.

Manifold needs alts to be tagged, and be unable to make ratings. And possibly be ineligible for bonuses. The fact that you are even allowed to make more than one alt on Manifold is shocking to me (although I don't mind it).

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr eh I don't see alts as the problem. i'm glad manifold isnt overcommitting resources to playing whack-a-mole with people dodging potential "only one account" rules. alts do exacerbate the rating issues, though

@Stralor Alts are more of a problem than that, people are only supposed to get a certain amount of mana per day for logging in. What's stopping someone from making 10 accounts and getting 10x the amount of income? Well it's against the rules but you can just claim that they are your friends, and then what. Manifold needs to be tougher on alts imo

I like it as a concept but the five star rating system with no parameters is not great

I resolved to not care about it, as I already have my own markets I created about myself that people can trade in if they don't like me, for specific reasons. Giving me stars with no feedback as to why the star is there, with no capability to respond and even ask why the star rating was given in the first place, is worse than useless. E.g., "It's not that you're right, you're not even wrong."

This shit has got to go. I get move fast and break things, okay, but it has me so pissed off this morning. I don't want some randos giving me feedback and I want to OPT OUT. If I do not resolve questions correctly, okay, ban me. But if you don't like how I write my questions or descriptions just give me feedback by blocking me or not participating. 😠

This rating system sucks. I strive for 5 star reviews and there is no proper etiquette on this site at the moment as to what is good and just. People complaining about my markets for no good reason. If you don't like the question, then just don't participate, block me or make your own. My questions are straightforward and resolved correctly within a reasonable amount of time. I'm here to have fun, not for a critique of my work. Seeing today all of a sudden that I did not have a five star review really screwed up my day and makes me not want to come back.

predicted NO

@WorldFC Love you bud. You deserve all the five-star reviews in the world. ❤

@UniversalFC 🤣 🤣 🤣 oh, so it started with you a long time ago! now it becomes clear why you give everyone in competing markets one star! this comment made my day! ))

predicted NO

I dislike it but I’d be surprised if it went anywhere before the end of the month. It needs fixing though. For now disgruntled users can retaliate for subpar reviews way too easily. It’s already become meaningless. I also just noticed a blocked user can leave reviews on your markets even if they have never traded in them.
