Opt out completely, or opt out for a season, or adding this opt out feature and rolling it back later -> all of these lead to a YES resolution.
I'd like to be able to opt out of leagues as they can be competitive, and fun; but I'd like to not get burnt out competing. I don't want predicting here to just be about profit that counts for the league. By not caring about how it affects my league position, I feel more comfortable making bold bets on long-term markets.
@MartinRandall given the success of leagues and how opting biases work, i don't think it's likely they'll have opt-in over opt out, but for this market's resolution, opt-in counts as well, where we have opt-out by default.
Of course if leagues are discontinued, that's not opt-out, because of a lack of corresponding opt-in.
@Feanor I'm thinking in terms of MtG tournaments and the like where there is an entry fee that funds prizes. A bit of a long shot question.