Will 5 or more people, with streaks of 150 or more, comment in this market?
resolved May 19

Post ss of your streak if you've got it >=150.

Manifold markets streaks only

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It's been a while, people have accumulated more streaks. 2 months have gone by! Now we ask for whether people with streaks of 200 or more will comment in the following:

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@firstuserhere this market should resolve YES.

JIC I've confirmed those streaks using a script:

userId: 7zrgCUnRxNec0U45P15f05GVjCB2 username: nickten currentBettingStreak: 172
userId: ffwIBb255DhSsJRh3VWZ4RY2pxz2 username: Predictor currentBettingStreak: 272
userId: EBGhoFSxRtVBu4617SLZUe1FeJt1 username: FranklinBaldo currentBettingStreak: 274
userId: eAB6KSR3CTgm9eM2HL1CEkonnAp1 username: A currentBettingStreak: 192
userId: 4JuXgDx47xPagH5mcLDqLzUSN5g2 username: BTE currentBettingStreak: 213


bought Ṁ1,607 of YES
bought Ṁ800 of YES

This is the 4th screenshot out of 5 needed 🔥


bought Ṁ50 of YES

@FranklinBaldo post a screenshot of your streak!

bought Ṁ100 of YES
predicted YES

@nickten @Rocks you might like this market

predicted YES

Actually, people who've already payed attention to this market might be enough...
If @Conflux, @JoshuaB, and @na_pewno leave a comment this resolves YES

predicted YES
predicted YES

Please, let's all agree that we will not call them "streak whales" or anything like that.

bought Ṁ300 of YES

Oh, and yeah: all of those 20 people have streaks of >180 so... Any 3 of them commenting on this market will resolve it to YES.

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@MayMeta Well I'm still betting no :/
Pretty astounding though. I don't understand how people could go over a hundred consecutive days connected to the internet without ending up off grid at some point.
I'm not even sure if that is weird or if I am in the odd association bubble where I'm more used to situations of being without power and reception for several days.

predicted YES

@Fivelidz Well, they collect the streak forgiveness points I guess. And later use them if they want a weekend off grid.

predicted YES

@Fivelidz Executed limit orders also count toward your streak so no need to visit every day. Just place lots of limit orders between 40-60% on dozens to hundreds of markets and you could delete Manifold and never miss a day for years.

bought Ṁ885 of YES

Wow thx, I didn't know that! Might use this in the future

predicted NO

@MayMeta Oh, streak forgiveness points exist? Well then, I probably did miss a few days here and there, haha

sold Ṁ15 of NO

@Conflux dammit, I forgot I wasn’t supposed to comment

I guess it’ll be interesting to see how this market criteria will be determined! For all this market knows, I could have a streak below 150, hmm hmm….

predicted YES

@Conflux lmaoo

You have a streak of 239, you can't trick us 🙂

3 commented, 2 to go 💪

predicted NO

@Conflux dayum

@firstuserhere How do you rule on this? The description seems to imply that screenshot proof may be required

@Conflux Okay, so my knowledge from other markets shouldn't affect my resolution determination for this market. Since the description says to post an ss to get counted, then you get counted only if you post the ss, even if your streak is >150 and you comment something else. So technically, the market title is concise, but description clarifies that ss is needed.

@firstuserhere Excellent! Thank you

predicted YES

@firstuserhere damn it 😄

@MayMeta ik ik, it'd be epic if conflux commented and it counted lmao, but description makes it clear so