This market resolves as YES if someone holds >= 20k NO shares at close
resolved Oct 1

b e n e v o l e n c e

also, resolves NO if the conditions are not met

(holding >=20k NO shares at the time of close)

Only human shareholders will count.

Alt accounts are not allowed. I will ask someone with permissions to check device ids, usage, etc to confirm whether a suspected account is an alt or not.

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i'm around if dylan presses the betray button

sold Ṁ33 of NO

@DylanSlagh check discord

sold Ṁ75 of YES

@DylanSlagh sell 13 of ur shares

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@lag no thanks

sold Ṁ26 of YES

I got burned on two previous entries in this series, but NOT THIS TIME! I really can learn from experience!

(Including selling out my YES position at 99% just in case there's a last-second twist.)

bought Ṁ207 of NO

@SEE I’m glad at least one person has learned something

predicted YES

We've entered the final 10 hours of the market, which also overlap with the pseudo random (?) closing time of the leagues. Will this market be like the ones before, or will there be a new twist?