Does Faire actually have COVID after testing positive with mild cold-like symptoms?
resolved Aug 23
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She woke up with a slight sore throat and took two rapid tests in a row, both positive. Later she developed a slightly runny nose and very occasional cough. Twist: See this market:
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I suppose if we assume Faire and I have the same virus then our results are kind of like if you got some mild symptoms and took 4 tests in a row and 2 were positive and 2 were negative. How would you Bayesian-update on that?
predicted NO
If we ignore the fact that Faire and I probably have the same virus and just naively apply Bayes' rule for each of us, starting with some prior of having Covid given our symptoms and using the sensitivity/specificity in the pamphlet, we get this for posterior probability as a function of prior probability (blue line is positive test, orange line is negative): So, like, if you got a scratchy throat and slight cough and runny nose and were like "this seems like a 20% chance I have covid" and then you took a rapid test... * if it says positive (like for Faire) then you go from a 20% chance to a 92% chance * if it says negative (like for me) then you go from a 20% chance to a 1.4% chance
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Update today: I still have a mild cough but getting better and otherwise feel fine. Faire has been totally fine for days now (today is day 5 for her, with her positive test Sunday being day 0).
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I just took another test as well (about 24 hours later) and still negative! My symptoms today: sore throat gone, cough worse (but still not bad), ever so slightly headachy I guess but mostly pretty normal. Runny nose pretty much better, but was only ever very minor. I'm day 2 or 3. (Tuesday I had an inkling I was getting sick, Wednesday was the first day of actual symptoms, though still very mild.)
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The antigen rapid test pamphlet says sensitivity ie Pr(pos | covid with symptoms) = 33/35 and specificity ie Pr(neg | not covid but yes symptoms) = 102/104
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@dreev These numbers aren't enough to derive anything solid about your position, but having reviewed, I think I invested *much* too aggressively.
predicted NO
@brp Ah, thanks for that link! We're using the "iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test" which isn't mentioned there. And of course the other confusing monkey wrench in our calculation is Faire testing positive but me testing negative with the same symptoms.
@dreev I'd probably use the average stats for all rapid tests, I suspect that most rapid tests are in the same rough ballpark. I also commented on the other market about this - you should ignore the pamphlet stats, apparently they are completely bogus because the sample for them is highly infectious individuals (chosen to make the statistics pass arbitrary regulatory standards) - that's why it comes out with such a high sensitivity rate compared to the meta-review.
predicted NO
Ha, Faire just took another test, day 4, and it's negative!
predicted YES
@dreev Good for her! I hope it's just allergies, but I still kind of doubt it..
Very good question. It's entirely possible we won't get a definitive answer and will have to resolve it as either "N/A" or resolve to the market's own probability. We can commit to updating this thread with all the new information we have.
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How does this market resolve? A PCR test? More rapid tests? Worse symptoms?
predicted NO

@brp There were no other tests or other evidence other than a bunch of math in the linked market so I resolved it to the market probability which I think is a pretty reasonable estimate based on everything we know!