Will Sam Altman’s net worth exceed that of Elon Musk before 2040?

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I don’t understand the title. Exceed what or Elon Musk?

@JamesRomeril Do you know what net worth is?

predicts NO

You have a typo, it says "or" where it should say "of". You can edit the title with the little pencil icon.

predicts NO

Also, how does this resolve if Elon dies?

@Joshua Thanks!

@donaldboyd Sam wins

@donaldboyd Yes, I know what net worth is. The typo was confusing.

@JamesRomeril My error., pls excuse my curt response .

@donaldboyd Oh, Sam wins if Elon dies, that makes it a lot more likely

(Also I assume if Sam dies and it doesn't happen Elon wins)