🏛️ ⚖️ Cases reversed by the Supreme Court of the United States (2023-2024 term)
Aug 1
U.S. v. Rahimi
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy
Trump v. Anderson

Will the Supreme Court of the United States reverse ("YES") a given case during its October 2023 term (spanning 2023-2024)?

Each answer resolves YES if the case is reversed (i.e. a decision for party A in “A v. B”) or NO if the case is affirmed (i.e. a decision for party B in “A v. B”).

Answers will resolve according to the outcome listed on FantasySCOTUS, in the "Predict/Outcome" column: https://fantasyscotus.net/case/list/. Please add any case being considered in the October 2023 term as an answer.

Note the FantasySCOTUS rules state: "the Court will sometimes affirm in part, and reverse in part the lower court's decision. In such cases, it is often hard to characterize whether it is an “affirm” or “reverse” vote. A panel of legal professionals from Sponsor and third parties (“Panel”) will make a judgment as to whether the affirm or reverse vote is on a more prominent part of the case."

Similarly related to the above rules, if a case is DIG'd (Dismissed as Improvidently Granted), or affirmed by an equally divided margin, it will resolve "N/A". If a case is Vacated and Remanded, it will be treated as a DIG, and resolve "N/A".

If for whatever reason the case is not listed on FantasySCOTUS, answer will resolve to Oyez.

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Trump v Anderson should resolve. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_v._Anderson