I set 10 goals for this week covering habits/to-do items. All of them are concrete and there is definitely enough time to accomplish all of them. This resolves yes if I was successful in all 10 by the start of October 24, 2024. I won't trade after my initial buying of YES shares.
I asked Claude to anonymously summarize the goals.
I'm going to give you a list of goals for the week. Your job is to output a 2 sentence summary capturing the vibe, and how difficult it would be to meet all the goals. You should make it sufficiently vague that a reader can't know what any of the specific goals are. Also, don't sound weirdly pretentious.
<list of goals>
This week's goals are all about building daily habits for a stronger body and a more organized life. While none of the individual tasks are too challenging, consistently hitting all of them every single day would require pretty serious discipline and time management.