Will SpaceX attempt to deploy Starlink satellite(s) to orbit in Starship–SuperHeavy's fourth flight?
Jun 1

Resolves on whether the fourth flight of the Starship–Superheavy vehicle is intended to deliver one or more Starlink satellites to orbit. Success is not required, only that at the time the launch takes place, deploying a payload of one or more Starlinks to orbit is part of the flight plan.

The Starlink satellites(s) can be any model, as long as SpaceX calls them Starlink satellites.

A flight counts as a vehicle lifting off the pad, however slightly, under the thrust of its engines. Thus IFT-3, if it lifts off, will be the third flight. If it doesn't lift off and instead explodes on the pad or whatnot, then the next flight that does lift off is the third flight, and the one after that the fourth flight, pertaining to this market.

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@dp9000 beat ya ;)

@Mqrius by one second!

@Mqrius Did they say on stream they wouldn't? Or you're inferring it from the lack of a successful relight demo such that deorbit capability hasn't been demonstrated?

@chrisjbillington Inferring from the lack of relight demo. They didn't say anything about it that I heard.