Which complaints from Plasma's Manifold survey will be considered to have been meaningfully improved on by June 2024?
May 31
Will the platform's overall performance and stability improve on both mobile and web?
Will deceptive or unclear market resolution criteria be better defined or moderated?
Will the community feel that moderation in general has gotten better? (resolves June 2024)
Will there be a clear distinction or separation of serious vs. "casino-like" markets?
Will the userbase be meaningfully more diverse in terms of geography and interests? (resolves June 2024)
Will there be features or guidelines implemented that directly lead to an increase the quality of market listings? (resolves a month after such changes)
Will blocking be more granular in general with e.g. the ability to only block a person's markets but see everything else from them?
Will the leagues system as it exists today be removed or substantially reworked?
Will blocking be more granular in general like e.g. the ability to only block a person's markets but see everything else from them?

I gathered everything from Plasma's 'What don't people like about Manifold?' section in this post (go read!) and thought it would be interesting to see how opinions change over time on whether these will be fixed.

A complaint doesn't have to be completely resolved, just improved in a meaningful way (for example, improving page load times by 1% isn't meaningful, but changing the way pages are loaded for a big performance boost is).

For more subjective questions, I would want a reasonable near-consensus in the comments as to whether it should resolve as yes. Listed at the bottom as category A.

As for the more straightforward ones, I'm happy just resolving these as they come. Listed at the bottom as category B.

Which feedback inspired which question on this paste

Category A: Market resolution criteria, features+guidelines leading to improved markets, Userbase diversity, unclear market resolution, platform stability, diversity of markets

Category B: granular blocking, search improvement, clear distinction of srs vs casino

I'll probably bet in this market.

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There aren't currently any opinions in the comments for this one. What do people think about whether each of these complaints has been fixed?


  • Will the platform's overall performance and stability improve on both mobile and web: I actually do think this is better now, at least in my personal experience

  • Will deceptive or unclear market resolution criteria be better defined or moderated: have there been changes with this?

  • Will the community feel that moderation in general has gotten better: I think this is YES, the @ mods ping and council of mods resolutions are good improvements. Since it references what the community thinks this could be a poll.

  • Will there be a clear distinction or separation of serious vs. "casino-like" markets: the prize points markets are a step in this direction, but I think this is a NO. There are plenty of serious markets that are not prize markets, so there isn't really a clear separation.

  • Will the userbase be meaningfully more diverse in terms of geography and interests: still plenty of AI and Bitcoin, so I think NO.

  • Will there be features or guidelines implemented that directly lead to an increase the quality of market listings: I guess the increased question cost might be a feature that could do this, but play markets reduced the cost anyway. I think NO.

@Arky i basically agree with these

Will deceptive or unclear market resolution criteria be better defined or moderated: have there been changes with this?

anecdotally i have seen more cases where mods step in for deceptive titles. not sure if that counts—it's more just a meaningful increase, not a total change in approach.

Will there be a clear distinction or separation of serious vs. "casino-like" markets: the prize points markets are a step in this direction, but I think this is a NO. There are plenty of serious markets that are not prize markets, so there isn't really a clear separation.

i'd agree that prize points don't draw a sharp distinction. i'm a bit confused by the original, because i feel like the use of "unranked" does in fact kinda cover this? but maybe not .

@c0m these can resolve?

Will blocking be more granular in general like e.g. the ability to only block a person's markets but see everything else from them?

Seems like a clear NO

Will the leagues system as it exists today be removed or substantially reworked?

clear NO

the rest are more subjective

@Ziddletwix Looks like he hasn't been on for 5 months, so I resolved those two.

Options 2 and 4 are duplicates.

@Lorxus Thanks for the heads up, shame I can't change it. Wanted to have "Will the search functionality be substantially improved?"