Will any properly-resolved markets be improperly corrected in 2023?
resolved Nov 10

This market resolves YES if there is a market correction which is alleged to be incorrect. Whether a correction is "improper" is subjective, so I will not trade in this market. I will attempt to grade the previous resolution on the merits and the facts: what happened vs. strictly interpreted resolution criteria.

Please post the drama in the comments :)

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bought Ṁ70 of YES

This market was re-resolved, and then re-re-resolved once it became apparent that the initial re-resolution was based on an incorrect assessment of the situation. You can see discussion of admin re-resolution and re-re-resolution in the comments.

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington To make it clearer, in this comment David says why he re-resolved the market N/A:

But at minimum will be fining you for the unique trader bonuses earned from this and will unfortunately have to N/A this market as one of the colluders was the market creator.

And then in this later comment he says why that was a mistake and he's re-re-resolved back to the original resolution:

Okay, after further review I will be switching the resolution back to YES and want to apologise to @BTE for incorrectly assuming his involvement.