The pit fiend that stole Abrogail from Keltham in null action act ii - is it actually a pit fiend of Hell?
Note: just in case, I'll note that "of Hell" in the preceding means, like, it is a real devil formed in Hell as per the normal way the multiverse works, not necessarily that it lives in or is loyal to Hell.
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Resolved afaict via https://discord.com/channels/936151692041400361/1022878418653679707/1060214919787712532
h/t discord user April
A few points:
'What if Hell interferes' does not seem to be a thought beyond INT29 Keltham and Carissa's planning.
A pit fiend that wanted Abrogail returned to Hell could do this more conveniently and appropriately by killing her.
SRD pit fiends cannot Plane Shift (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/devil/pit-fiend/).
Abrogail has just now with her owner demonstrated a willingness to think freely about sensitive information before devils in Hell.
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The conversation between Keltham and the pit field was a performance for Abrogail