Has Ilya Sutskever been killed or physically trapped by OpenAI?
resolved May 15

Resolves once we have credible confirmation one way or the other

'Physically trapped' is used in a serious sense, e.g being locked in a room for weeks or more, and does not include things like 'someone locked him in his office briefly once as a joke'

mods may resolve if there's conclusive evidence

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Ilya is listed as an author on https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk

bought Ṁ60 NO

Let it be known that 1.7% is waay too high, I just don't want to use all my bux on this.

Has something happened recently to imply that this is a significant possibility?

@TheAllMemeingEye He hasn't had any public comments or interactions since December, and my understanding of the ['theological'/'spiritual'/'religious'] culture at OpenAI (as ASI is cosmically significant) suggests to me that this is something that those in the upper ranks might do.

The main reasons I can see for them doing this are

  • to prevent Ilya from using exclusive knowledge (e.g algorithmic insights, methods for superintelligence creation) gained during his tenure at OpenAI

  • to prevent Ilya from raising alarm

bought Ṁ1 YES at 2%
bought Ṁ1 YES

@anonymous does he have social media we can ping? Or even a manifold account?

@TheAllMemeingEye He's on twitter at https://twitter.com/ilyasut, but I don't think he'd reply. I'll try emailing him.

(Also I somehow forgot to mention that he does have a twitter like on a Jan 15 post, which does make it less likely to me, but the absence is still suspicious to me)

@anonymous would it make sense to expand the question to include non-physical trapping such as threats and blackmail?

@TheAllMemeingEye probably wouldn't be fair to the voters so far

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