If a Delaware court orders Elon Musk to buy Twitter at the original terms, will he comply?
resolved Nov 11

If Elon appeals and wins the appeal, or if the deal doesn't go through because the banks back out or the govt blocks the deal, this also resolves N/A.


Will a Delaware judge order Elon Musk to complete the twitter deal at the original terms? https://manifold.markets/BTE/will-a-delaware-judge-order-elon-mu

How would Elon Musk respond if a Delaware judge were to order him to close the Twitter deal at $54.20? https://manifold.markets/BTE/how-would-elon-musk-respond-if-a-de

Aug 3, 1:39am: If a Delaware court orders Elon Musk to buy Twitter at the original terms, will he buy Twitter? → If a Delaware court orders Elon Musk to buy Twitter at the original terms, will he comply?

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Resolves N/A?

predicted YES

@MartinRandall yeah thanks for the reminder!