How would Elon Musk respond if a Delaware judge were to order him to close the Twitter deal at $54.20?
resolved Jan 14
Refuse to comply with court order and press issue to Supreme Court
Refuse to comply and call court bluff (go about business as if nothing happened)
Do as ordered and be a man of his word
Proclaim not to recognize the authority of the DE court
Double down on accusations that Twitter board and management has conspired to commit securities fraud for nearly a decade by knowingly misrepresenting the true number of bots among DAUs
Accuse someone of being a pedophile
Appeal the decision and eventually reach a settlement where he doesn't buy twitter.
This market will resolve according to my judgement at least 3 months after a ruling by a Delaware judge that enforces a specific performance clause in the acquisition agreement Musk signed with Twitter which orders him to liquidate and tender approximately $33B to fund and close the deal at the current price of $54.20. I would say 'be creative' but this is Elon Musk so What Would Lex Luthor Do? Jul 10, 8:01pm: See this market for a trigger on this market from passive to active
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The probabilities given here are insane (23% chance of complying with a court order, seriously?) but I'm not going to bet in this market because (1) it's a conditional market on something that almost certainly will not happen, and (2) I don't fully trust the accuracy of resolution.
@JamesBabcock yeah this is why I made a binary market for this question
Refuse to comply with court order and press issue to Supreme Court
bought Ṁ25
@JamesBabcock good point. sold this position.
Refuse to comply with court order and press issue to Supreme Court
@BTE This phrasing is ambiguous; there will almost certainly be appeals, and any injunction will almost certainly be delayed while appeals are pending, but the appeals will be handled by lesser courts and not the Delaware Supreme Court or by SCOTUS.