Will I publish the first issue of provablysafe.ai by Monday 6am ET?
resolved Nov 20

Starting a newsletter about formal methods and AI policy. Have a draft first post, still lots of little things to do, want to publish it by Monday, November 20, 2023, 6am Eastern Time.

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predicted YES

Couldn't find a full timestamp on the substack UI, but the list shows the "6:49 AM" time of publication, which is in my computer's local time at UTC-4, so 5:49 AM Eastern Time:

I don't know enough about trading and Manifold norms e.g. around when it is or isn't common practice to bet on markets where you influence the outcome, but I'm reasonably confident I'm going to make it!

predicted YES

@agentofuser it seems like a good approach to bet YES on your own self-prediction market up to 99%, so that you lose money if you don't do it and win if you do: https://manifold.markets/NcyRocks/will-the-commitments-community-have

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