Will Elon chicken out?
resolved Nov 17

Will Elon for whatever reason refuse/cancel the fight.

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predicted NO

I think it's safe to resolve it as NO after all the recent events.

Anyone who watched Joe Rogan podcast could confirm that it seems that is Zuck the one who actually chickened out.


bought แน€30 of YES

@adriangalilea just to confirm, since you've said "for any reason", if the fight doesn't go ahead, it has to be the case that one or both participants "chickened out", by your definition, right? As in, if you had two markets on this, one for Musk and one for Zuck, and the fight didn't go ahead, then we should expect at least one, if not both of those markets to resolve YES, is that right?

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington 2 people canโ€™t chicken out on a fight.

It has to be Elon that initiates cancelling it for whatever reason. If itโ€™s mutual it is not โ€œchickened outโ€ unless they mutually agree after Elon initiates the cancellation.

To sum it up, it has to be Elon initiating the cancellation of the event for any reason even seemingly valid excuse. Even if medical, it counts as โ€œchicken outโ€ because he obv can fabricate any medical backup for example.

predicted NO

@adriangalilea If both musk and zuck say they're cancelling though?

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr Yeah this is what I'm getting at. "for any reason at all" is quite broad, and includes scenarios where parties may both claim that each other or neither is chickening out. It's fine that these things are sometimes a judgement call, though you (@adriangalilea) do hold a position in this market which makes it tricky :p.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr anything that is not initiated by musk counts as no.

If they both say they're cancelling but the reason is initiated, brought up, you name it, by musk, then it's chicken out.

Another hypothetical, imagine Elon get's a surgery and shouldn't fight, imagine then that both of them say they are cancelling it due Elon's surgery.

This counts as chicken out.

predicted NO

๐Ÿ”ฎ My very specific call is a story in 3 acts:

  1. He will get surgery

  2. He will pretend to want to fight anyway

  3. He will use medical advice as excuse to cancel

predicted NO

Iโ€™m buying No calls simply due the rate. My prediction in a vacuum is above. Will pivot on a better rate.