Will @firstuserhere run a half marathon before the end of 2024? ($2k mana sub)
resolved May 1

I've never run a marathon. The max I've done in a single run is <10 kms. That was a year ago I think. I want to get back into running and I think this could be a great challenge. Resolves YES if I run a marathon. Resolves NO if i either don't finish or don't even attempt it.

I don't know about whether marathons have to be registered somewhere or not, so I will search about that and edit the description accordingly. i want to maximize accountability here.

A google search tells me a person can go from couch to marathon in 6 months. I guess I can do that. But apprarently, the success rate of this is not that great. Maybe a half-marathon is a more achievable mile stone first. let's see if I can do that.

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1 month ago, I tried to run and gassed out within 1 minute. Maybe less.

I can now run 30 mins non stop, albeit slowly. In 2 weeks, I will finish the C25K program and then I will start a 10k program, and try to run 10k nonstop. If that goes well, I'll probably register for a half-marathon mid-year ish.

3 traders bought Ṁ150 YES

You can see my running progress for this year from couch to half-marathon in this auto-updating widget. I know it's just a simple widget rn, I plan to add my training plan and other things on this page later this week or early next one.

This widget just displays date + distance run on that date as of now as i'm trying to build up my aerobic base atm, and not caring about how long it takes me to run - hence, running slow. Once I can do a 5k properly, I will start measuring times and training for a 10k

predicted YES

Best predictor is signing up. Sign up for a race and you’ll tie yourself to the mast that way.

bought Ṁ200 of YES

I definitely think you can do it, especially after today. I ran a half marathon this year while on a trip to a hot and humid country, after only training 2-3 times in the month that led up to it. That being said, I did run a lot in the months before that. From what I understand, your local climate is a lot more conducive to it.

About your point that you need to be "able to run properly first", that's not really true. Most half marathons have generous time limits, to the point where you could feasibly walk most of it and still finish it. Not saying this should be your goal, just pointing it out.

Looking back at my watch data, my half marathon was roughly 25k steps. That makes it easy compared to your 100k steps today!

What's your plan to train for this? Do you live in a climate that would be supportive of ongoing practice/training/regular runs? Is there a half marathon you'll sign up for to reinforce the goal, or just going for the calendar year?

predicted YES

@shankypanky No plan at the moment! It's just a market I've made for something I'm interested in doing. I've gotta get in shape to be able to run properly first. Call it a new year's resolution thing, but I'm gonna prep for 1 month before taking the resolution

About the climate, i might move early to mid 2024, so let's see!

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@firstuserhere I'm loving all these Motivation Markets 🙌

I have a feeling this market works to motivate you and hold you accountable from other resolutions, so I believe - you got this 👊