This market resolves as YES if someone has >= 15k NO shares at close
resolved Sep 27

b e n e v o l e n c e

also, resolves NO if the conditions are not met

(holding >=15k NO shares at the time of close)

Only human shareholders will count.

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predicted YES

Addressing your review, @Lion

False resolved.

That's incorrect. Someone holds >=15k NO shares at close and as such, the market should've and did resolve YES.

The market was clearly manipulated by an user and not according to community guidelines.

Market was indeed manipulated by a user, because this market is a game theoretic market about whether co-operation will occur. All markets are subject to manipulation.

There is no proof that the account is a human

We can actually check if the trades by any user are made via the API or manually. Kira made the trades manually. They also posted a picture of themselves with their username, and if they were not the person behind the username, I'd have expected the user to object.

Further, we can ensure that the devices used by Kira and Dylan are separate.

which was mandatory in the description of the question. This should've been resolved in N/A (or yes).

It was indeed resolved to "YES", so, there's no contradiction.

bought Ṁ5 of YES
bought Ṁ12 of YES

@DylanSlagh why tf does it take so long for the positions page to update edit: never mind lol

predicted YES

@DylanSlagh grrrr... cute though

predicted YES

@DylanSlagh i am glad this doesn't count for leagues lol