Will OpenAI release a plagiarism detector which searches ChatGPT-generated content in the next year?
resolved Feb 3

Resolves to YES if OpenAI make a plagiarism detector available for ChatGPT which looks at inputted text and compares it to past text their users have generated with ChatGPT. Resolves NO if by market close (in 1 year), they have not released a plagiarism detector which searches text that ChatGPT users have generated.

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predicted NO

Does it need to publicly available? Or could this market resolve Yes if it was just available to eg a government

predicted NO

@NoaNabeshima I think the word *release" Implies publicly available. At least, I intended it to mean a public release but it is a valid question.

Suppose OpenAI releases an accurate plagiarism detector which does not search over text ChatGPT users have generated. How does this resolve?

predicted NO


Scott Aaronson has worked on pretty good statistical watermarking E.G. https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6823

If they released an API that checks for watermarking, would this resolve as Yes?

predicted NO

@NoaNabeshima An API that did that would be just as good as one that literally searched content, I think.

predicted NO

@NoaNabeshima It will resolve NO.

Resolves NO if ... they have not released a plagiarism detector which searches text that ChatGPT users have generated.

I think they might integrate that functionality within ChatGPT itself. Today also i use it to ask "was the following text written by chatGPT:" and "provide an estimate of confidence for whether the following text was written by chatGPT".

Doesn't always work but I'd p good

predicted YES

@firstuserhere the market is not about that. It is about a SEARCH function.

Does this already exist?


Only not betting up further because I imagine maybe you already know about this, if so, you should edit the market to explain why this doesn't qualify.

@noumena It has to search ChatGPT-written text

predicted NO

@noumena not predict