If Desantis is R nominee and Trump doesn't run 3rd party, will Desantis win presidency?
resolved Feb 27

If Desantis doesn't run for Republican nomination, doesn't win Republican nomination, or if Trump runs as a third party candidate, then this will resolve N/A.

Otherwise, if Desantis wins, it resolves YES, and NO if he loses.

(see also this market for if Desantis is nominee and Trump does run 3rd party)

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I think this resolution is premature. DeSantis has suspended his campaign, not cancelled it. It's still possible for him to unsuspend it - and I think he's likely to if (for instance) Trump dies, is arrested, or is ruled ineligible.

If Desantis is R nominee and Trump doesn't run 3rd party, will Desantis win presidency?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition