Will Destiny Reach 600K Subscribers By the End Of November?
resolved Dec 1

The question resolves to 'yes' if Destiny's main Youtube channel reaches, or exceeds, 600,000 subscribers.

Subscriber market for December:

Get Ṁ600 play money

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predicted NO


predicted NO


predicted NO

I have already wasted everything I earned SWEATSTINY

predicted YES


predicted YES

Down with the ship :'(

predicted YES

@wolfiedude14 There was a point of no return for bailing out and we hit it like a week ago

new gamba:

predicted NO


Got it. Now I just need someone with a bot farm.

predicted NO

@MagniorBjornsson Stop it get some help

predicted YES

@Simon805b I literally can't. Or figuratively. Or just don't want to.

This will pay out I'm sure of it, 10k in a day come one we can do it

@wolfiedude14 i believe (that someone will bot it)

predicted YES

I heard ye coming on stream tomorrow

predicted YES

@thisis Dang guess I better all-in on yes with the @ManifoldMarkets bank account

predicted NO

Thank you to everyone here taking an L on this 🙏 This is pulling me out of a hole I made on a bad bet. I'm down bad rn fr fr.

predicted YES

@Quot At this point I'm calculating if I can afford to get 100k YES shares, for the memes.

predicted YES

No option but to hold the L

predicted YES

@SoupaSnake I still believe

predicted NO

I'm gonna have so much pretend money

predicted NO

Easy money

predicted NO

Yes copers be calling Susan Wojcicki right now asking her to find 11,780 subscribers

predicted NO

Strapped in and ready for launch.

predicted YES

@MagniorBjornsson mashallah brother

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