Will Apple release an AR headset in 2024
resolved Feb 3

There have been rumors about Apple releasing an AR headset for years. Will 2024 be the year it finally comes out?


Resolution criteria:

Must actually be available for purchase sometime in 2024.

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predicted YES

I intend to resolve this YES on February 2nd assuming nothing changes. Please reply if you disagree with this decision

are we gonna have to wait more than 7 months for a resolution? or 19 months?? link

predicted YES

@deagol If it’s available for purchase in the US that should be enough to resolve.

It'll be released in 2023, and available for purchase in 2024, which makes this market resolve YES by

Resolution criteria: Must actually be available for purchase sometime in 2024.

@VivaLaPanda If Apple releases an initial "limited release" or "Developer edition" that theoretically can be bought be anyone but is intended only for software developers creating apps for it, would that resolve as YES? What about if you have to be a member of Apple's Developer program?

predicted YES

@Gabrielle both would resolve YES

predicted NO

2023 I believe, probably WWDC.

Passthrough VR/MR doesn't count right?

2023 or 2024.

predicted YES

@Alana what does the market and the resolution date say?

@VivaLaPanda “Must actually be available for purchase sometime in 2024.”

Should be “Must actually be available for purchase for the first time sometime in 2024.”?