Will new Manifold markets get automatically-generated AI art banners again in the first half of 2024?
resolved Mar 22

It seems like, as of early March, newly-created markets on Manifold no longer automatically get AI-generated banner art. I liked the art; I'm sad to see it gone; I'm not sure how likely it is that it's going to stay gone, and figure it's worth making a market to help gauge that likelihood.

This market will resolve Yes if, some time before the end of June, it once again becomes the case that typical Manifold users' newly-created markets automatically receive AI-art headers, without a need for manual header-uploads by the market-creators. This includes if there's e.g. an opt-out button, or even an opt-in button; this doesn't include if it's gated behind some sort of paid subscription or otherwise not accessible to the majority of Manifold users.

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This market begs the question:

Why did the banners disappear?

Legal constraint?

Financial constraint?

Staff time maintaining AI tool?

@SusanneinFrance accd to genzy it just broke. but who knows if/when they'll fix

I think they were fabulous!

I'm only here because they are gone.

bought Ṁ1 NO

I liked them too.

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