A suspiciously quickly resolved market
A naive lad
A """non sexual""" dominatrix
Will Max Lucid have a broken heart within 6 months?
Resolves YES
Will he admit to her having had slept with clients within the next 6 months?
Resolves YES
Will Max be around in six months to help me resolve?
Resolves NA if I can not reach him
Update 2025-02-26 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Important Resolution Criteria Update:
The market will resolve YES only if Max explicitly states that his heart was broken in the last 6 months or that she did indeed sleep with clients.
If he does not make either of these statements (or is unreachable), the resolution will likely be N/A.
I'll only resolve YES if he says his heart was broken in the last 6 months when I resolve. Or if he states that she did indeed sleep with clients. Judging from his comment reply on the main market, there is a good chance of N/A. However I suspect his attitude will be different in 6 months.