Trader number poll to resolve the following market:
All options resolve n/a, so all mana bet will be returned to you.
I'm using a trader number poll because there is still no option on Manifold to cheaply bundle multiple separate polls together like for markets.
For each option, bet any amount yes to signify that you would vote for this person instead of yourself in a presidential election.
Conversely, for each option, bet any amount no to signify that you would vote for yourself instead of this person in a presidential election.
The results are in.
Manifold voted yes:
Scott Alexander
Nick Bostrom
Siddhartha Gautama / the Buddha
Jesus of Nazareth
Manifold was split 50-50:
Peter Singer
Me, @theallmemeingeye
George Washington
Manifold voted no:
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
J D Vance*
Elon Musk*
Oprah Winfrey*
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Holden Karnofsky
A generic Republican with 4+ years of political experience
A generic Democrat with 4+ years of political experience
A randomly selected US citizen
Yahweh / Jehovah / God the Father
*Added by other users in the poll but not in the original market.
As detailed in the description, all options in the trader number poll resolve n/a, but their trader numbers are used to resolve the original market.
For context, a broad summary of my current philosophical and political beliefs would be:
Epistemics i.e. fundamentally what is true?: empiricism, rationalism, scientific method
Normative ethics i.e. fundamentally what is good?: moral realism, consequentialism, pluralist balance between negative-leaning utilitarianism and egoism
Applied ethics i.e. in practice what should we do as individuals to achieve goodness?: effective altruism
Politics i.e. in practice what system should society use to achieve goodness?
Economic politics i.e. system of production and distribution of resources and services: at least Nordic-style welfarism, possibly experimenting via charter cities with anarcho-communism (worker-owned democratically-controlled industry, decentralised planned economy with UBI)
Governmental politics i.e. system of leadership and law enforcement: proportional representation democracy for parliament, iterated universal nomination election for technocratic council of advisors, anti-authoritarianism (Nordic-style reformative/restorative justice, anti-censorship/propaganda, radical transparency/accountability of government)
Cultural politics i.e. system of attitude towards societal changes like religion, moral circle expansion, globalisation, and technology: hyper-progressivism, secularism, universal compassion (feminism, anti-racism, LGBT+ rights, animal rights, AI rights, alien rights), hyper-internationalism (world government, mostly open borders with harmful ideology vetting), techno-cautious (especially regarding x/s-risk technologies like AGI/ASI, WMDs, nanotech, brain upload emulation etc.)
The results are in.
Manifold voted yes:
Scott Alexander
Nick Bostrom
Siddhartha Gautama / the Buddha
Jesus of Nazareth
Manifold was split 50-50:
Peter Singer
Me, @theallmemeingeye
George Washington
Manifold voted no:
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
J D Vance*
Elon Musk*
Oprah Winfrey*
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Holden Karnofsky
A generic Republican with 4+ years of political experience
A generic Democrat with 4+ years of political experience
A randomly selected US citizen
Yahweh / Jehovah / God the Father
*Added by other users in the poll but not in the original market.
As detailed in the description, all options in the trader number poll resolve n/a, but their trader numbers are used to resolve the original market.
On why some may not be voting on all. Perhaps they feel they wouldn't vote in a way to generate profit. Hence many single coin votes from me. I know I could vote "0" mana with some effort, but haven't gone that far. The ones I haven't voted on, I need more time with or are genuine abstentions. Largely I agree with the platform of the market creator, but need some time to make my mind whether I would trust myself or them to implement it's goals best, and whether the nuances influence strongly enough to counteract their putative supremacy in character.
@TheAllMemeingEye Name recognition is at play. I haven't researched every person here, so an abstaining vote has more personal utility to me than a coin toss.
But then again, I did vote YES for lottocracy. So...
@Quroe fair enough, this doesn't specifically apply to you but I find it's a little strange that more than half the voters have no opinion on someone as famous and polarising as Trump or Biden lol
@TheAllMemeingEye Almost as if there could be a chilling effect. (Or people have a stake on the originating market.)
@TheAllMemeingEye Maybe there are people who don't want to put their vote out there for fear of retaliation - the chilling effect of making people not want to speak.
I would imagine some people would not want to incur the wrath of the real President or their supporters because of their digital footprint. Fictional ones? That might be worth the risk of a silly internet poll.
By the way, I voted YES for you here. Remember me fondly when you take your first seat behind the Resolute Desk.
@Quroe ah, thanks, that makes sense now
Remember me fondly when you take your first seat behind the Resolute Desk.
I shall haha 🤞
@JussiVilleHeiskanen I recall hearing once that under Athenian democracy there was never a two year period in which they didn't vote to go to war haha
@TheAllMemeingEye Lottocracy eliminates the near (but not entirely) necessary need for a worldview that craves power for power's sake in order to be successful in a our current system. The worldview of the modal person will probably be more closely aligned with the population in that regard. Also, you wouldn't have the top percentage of wealthy people in the seat of power most of the time, so maybe we'd get policy movement that aligns with the needs of the wider population more often.
I would hope that, if we had a lottocratic President, the office would have a crash course designed to bring The Chosen One™️ up to speed and make them competent. We would otherwise need to devote much more effort and resources to the public education sector to raise baseline competency across the board.
Lottocracy has its boons and banes. Exploring the idea is a worthwhile use of mental bandwidth.
For context, a broad summary of my current philosophical and political beliefs would be:
Epistemics i.e. fundamentally what is true?: empiricism, rationalism, scientific method
Normative ethics i.e. fundamentally what is good?: moral realism, consequentialism, pluralist balance between negative-leaning utilitarianism and egoism
Applied ethics i.e. in practice what should we do as individuals to achieve goodness?: effective altruism
Politics i.e. in practice what system should society use to achieve goodness?
Economic politics i.e. system of production and distribution of resources and services: at least Nordic-style welfarism, possibly experimenting via charter cities with anarcho-communism (worker-owned democratically-controlled industry, decentralised planned economy with UBI)
Governmental politics i.e. system of leadership and law enforcement: proportional representation democracy for parliament, iterated universal nomination election for technocratic council of advisors, anti-authoritarianism (Nordic-style reformative/restorative justice, anti-censorship/propaganda, radical transparency/accountability of government)
Cultural politics i.e. system of attitude towards societal changes like religion, moral circle expansion, globalisation, and technology: hyper-progressivism, secularism, universal compassion (feminism, anti-racism, LGBT+ rights, animal rights, AI rights, alien rights), hyper-internationalism (world government, mostly open borders with harmful ideology vetting), techno-cautious (especially regarding x/s-risk technologies like AGI/ASI, WMDs, nanotech, brain upload emulation etc.)