Will Manifold pay out real cash to traders and/or creators in 2024?
Dec 8
I (@SimonGrayson) will not receive any money in 2024
I (@SimonGrayson) will get money as a creator but not as a trader
I (@SimonGrayson) will get money as a trader but not as a creator
I (@SimonGrayson) will get money as both a trader and a creator

Manifold announced their creator partner programme earlier this year and I was one of the first wave of creators to join it:


Manifold have also announced that their long awaited "pivot" will involve real money payouts for successful traders:


I have already had enough traders on my markets that I should be above any reasonable threshold for a payout from the creator partner programme (you can see my status here, but this page often takes ages to load).

I'm also a successful trader. I've got a lifetime profit of 77,000 Mana which puts me at number 77 in the all time trading profit leaderboard.

I will attempt to cash out at least some of my profits this year if the option is available to me. Will it be?

Note that I am not based in the US. I'm a UK citizen based in London, so if any of these payouts are US-only, I will not be able to get a payout.

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I dunno, what if you're just REALLY unlucky ๐Ÿ˜›