The British media (particularly the less reputable elements of the British media) is reporting that a "top TV sports presenter" or a "well known TV sports presenter" was arrested for raping a child in a 4:00 AM raid earlier this week:
The presenter is currently anonymous. When we learn who it is, who will it turn out to be?
Please add your own choices to this market -
The market will resolve if:
UK authorities such as the police confirm who the person is
Their identity is known to the point where quality media sources such as the BBC and the Guardian are able to report on who they are without using qualifying words such as "believed to be" or "speculated to be".
I have included an option for "their identity won't be revealed by the end of 2025" in case their identity isn't revealed.
@SirSalty I don't think this market goes against Manifold's rules, but please let me know if this isn't the case and the market needs to be N/A'd.