Also resolves yes if the name is "Republic of Turkiye" or similar.
In the unlikely event that the page title contains both names, this resolves based on which one is primary. So "Turkey (Republic of Turkiye)" would resolve NO; "Turkiye (formerly Turkey)" would resolve yes.
Background: a move request in Jan 2022 failed, but partly because "it's too soon".
Close date updated to 2025-01-01 4:59 pm
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Additional data points
The official name change (to Czechia) was in 2016.
On the other hand:
officially renamed in 2018, and the Wikipedia article was also changed in 2018.
officially renamed in 2019, and the Wikipedia article was also changed in 2019.
Wikipedia follows (in theory, but also AFAICT in practice) names used by established English-language media as well as general usage; in making these decisions they look at things like NYT, BBC and Google n-grams. I will not speculate on why Czechia has been adopted more slowly than the other two.