Will my blitz rating be above 1900 on July 1?
resolved Jul 2
This question resolves to YES if at the end of the day on July 1, my blitz lichess rating is 1900 or higher. You can see my rating history here: https://lichess.org/@/slawrence I will be betting YES in this market for obvious incentive reasons.
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predicted YES
One last follow-up. Rating is now 1903, 16 minutes too late :( I guess the lesson here is less about betting wisely, and more about not procrastinating.
predicted YES
Out of time. Final rating 1889.
bought Ṁ20 of YES
Update 4: I'm back! 80 minutes left, and current rating is 1886.
bought Ṁ20 of YES
Update 3: Back up to 1853. Hope springs eternal... (but it's time to take a break)
predicted YES
Update 2: tilting at 4am was unwise. Rating now 1785. (I won't be selling as a matter of principle.)
bought Ṁ68 of YES
Update: I've crawled up to 1866, and I have a good bit of time over the next few days, so I'm optimistic. Far from a sure thing, though.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
Chess is hard, my friend.