[Ṁ200 subsidy] Will the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season see at least 5 major hurricanes?
resolved Dec 5

Major hurricanes are defined by NOAA as tropical storms with a Saffir-Simpson category of 3-5 and sustained winds of 111 mph or greater.

This question will resolve to YES if there are 5 or more major hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere by the end of 2023. And it will resolve to NO if there are 4 or fewer.

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Since the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season officially ended on November 30, this market is eligible to be resolved. The number of major hurricanes is 3 - Franklin, Idalia and Lee. I will be resolving the market as NO in a day (since I moved up the market resolution time from year end) if there is no objection.

bought Ṁ3,333 of NO

@SarkanyVar Seems fine, I figured you meant to end it Dec 1st given the title of "Atlantic hurricane season"

predicted NO

imo should be like 1 to 5%

predicted NO

El Niño

predicted NO


Hurricane Lee has intensified into a Cat 4 major hurricane as of Thursday. Which means the count for major hurricanes in the North Atlantic is now 3!

Just a brief summary as of September 2, 2023:

Major Hurricanes:
Franklin: Cat 4 (Active from August 20 - September 1)
Idalia: Cat 4 (Active from August 26 - 31)

2 out of 5 so far, and we still have about 2-3 months to go for active hurricane activities.

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