Will Twitter roll back its no competitor social media policy before the end of 2022?
resolved Dec 20


Resolves YES if Twitter formally revokes the above policy OR silently changes the rules to re-instate accounts which were banned as a result of this policy before Jan 1, 2023.

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I believe the resolution criteria are met; I will resolve this soon unless there are objections.

They are not the first social media company to do something like this so I suspect if they do change this policy it won’t be a complete “roll back” but a slightly less intense version, which would resolve NO, correct?

predicted NO

I don’t really understand why this resolution criteria refers to account bans. Nobody was banned. The links just forward to twitter internal link policy.

predicted YES


I don’t really understand why this resolution criteria refers to account bans. Nobody was banned. The links just forward to twitter internal link policy.

I took this to be talking about the suspended accounts like https://finance.yahoo.com/news/twitter-suspends-account-paul-graham-232754736.html

I suspect if they do change this policy it won’t be a complete “roll back” but a slightly less intense version

I think this may be resolvable to "YES" currently, as the previous policy page 404s and people who are currently interning at Twitter were able to tweet things like https://twitter.com/realGeorgeHotz/status/1604621935438336000#m

Market for Feb 1:

Elon just said he would