I will resolve this market to whichever outreach initiative I deem to be most impactful.
An "outreach initiative" is a collaboration, partnership, sponsorship, or hosted event (non-exclusive list) that involves working with another person or entity outside Manifold and isn't just be a new feature on the platform. The initiative must happen in Q4 2023.
I will assess impact holistically, valuing events which boost DAUs (daily active users) very highly but also considering harder-to-quantify things like increased prestige and legitimacy.
If there are no impactful outreach initiatives, I will resolve to that answer (rather than N/A-ing).
I will prefer answers that are precise and useful over ones that are technically correct but vague.
@oh Bet it up a lot, then you are daring people to work hard and make one of the other options win instead. It has to be the leader so far though.
@Eliza Yeah I don’t know how no one else thought to add it, and I left it undervalued cuz I’m not a fan of risk lol
@oh I was thinking about excluding the NYT article as an answer since it was in the works before the creation of this market. But I didn't before you created this answer. So it will count.
Also, I consider the NYT article impactful, so I probably wouldn't bet on "No impact"...
@SG Thanks for weighing in! Yeah, was thinking that the effort was really last quarter, but the impact was this quarter.