Where will the Einstein Telescope be built?
Dec 31
Border region of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
Sardinia, Italy
Saxony, Germany

Which location will be chosen to accomodate Europe's new gravitational wave observatory (the Einstein Telescope)

Resolve criterion:
- An official communication on the selection of a project site will be sufficient to resolve this market.
- The market can be extended if the selection process is still pending.
- In case of an official cancellation of the project, the market gets resolved N/A.

Official project website: https://www.et-gw.eu/

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@RobinJanssens Nice question! Will this resolve on reports of where it will be built, or does it require it actually to be built?

And if there are no such reports by market close, does it resolve N/A, or get extended (perhaps resolving N/A also if there are reliable reports that the project has been cancelled)?

@chrisjbillington Thanks for the question.
- An official communication on the selection of a project site will be sufficient to resolve this market.
- It is currently expected that a decision can be made in 2024 but as with many politically involved stuff it is possible this get postponed, In that case it will be extended.
- In case of cancellation of the project, the market get resolved N/A.
I will update this in the description.