Will the summer of 2022 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada be one of the 5 hottest summers since the summer of 1935?
resolved Nov 17

Resolves YES if summer 2022 (June 21st, 2022 to September 23rd, 2022 inclusive) is in one of the top 5 positions when yearly average summer temperatures at the Ottawa, Ontario weather station are sorted from largest value to smallest value. The data will come from Environment Canada's temperature measurements at Ottawa, Ontario weather station with climate ID 6105976.

link to past data: https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?timeframe=2&Year=2022&Month=4&Day=1&hlyRange=%7C&dlyRange=1889-11-01%7C2022-04-28&mlyRange=1889-01-01%7C2006-12-01&StationID=4333&Prov=ON&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2022&selRowPerPage=25&Line=7&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=ottawa].

Jul 19, 4:09pm: The original description misunderstood the Environment Canada website and gave the incorrect station ID (6105887).

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A fellow Ottawa resident! wave

@EhMe11 Come out to one of our meetups on a Friday evening! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/rationalottawa)

Resolved NO. Ended up (tied with 1989) as the 19th hottest summer in the specified range.

FYI the full data has been delayed a few weeks. We will be able to resolve this market around the end of October.

I wasn't able to find any data from that station since 1935. This means I don't know the temperature of the 5th hottest summer on record that you will use to resolve the question. Could you give us a few links: where can we find historical data for this station and where can we find current data for this station?
@JonathanNankivell sorry, yeah we had the wrong station ID. The description has been updated with the right ID and a link.