Will India successfully produce and sell domestic microchips before the end of 2024?
Dec 31

India currently aims to domestically produce microchips by the end of 2024 through a partnership with Micron (https://www.reuters.com/technology/india-aims-make-domestic-microchips-by-end-2024-ft-2023-07-05/). Along these lines, Micron has announced a semiconductor assembly and test center in Gujarat (https://investors.micron.com/news-releases/news-release-details/micron-announces-new-semiconductor-assembly-and-test-facility). Will this project be successful within the intended timeframe? This question will resolve yes upon credible reports that microchips assembled domestically in India from the Micron facility mentioned in the above-linked article have been sold and delivered by the end of 2024, and no absent such reports.

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