This market will resolve according to FiveThirtyEight's approval rating for Donald Trump on February 14, 2025.
Note that the approval ratings for February 14 must be finalized before it is considered for this market (namely once the next data point is available, the previous one is finalized).
This market's resolution source will be FiveThirtyEight's approval rating poll aggregator,, specifically the approval rating indicated by the green trend line for the resolution date. Changes in the methodology by which FiveThirtyEight calculates the approval rating will have no bearing on the resolution of this market.
The resolution source reports the rating value to only one decimal point (e.g. 42.8%, 33.9%, etc). Thus, this is the level of precision that will be used when resolving the market.
@Gameknight You have to ping the creator then wait at least 24 hours.
@PogoStick Can you review this market?
If no response in 48 hours, ping the mods again and we can look at it.