After how many weeks from now, will TweetShort hit $1000 MRR (monthly recurring revenue)?

I'm working on a SaaS (software as a service) called TweetShort, that automatically converts new tweets into short videos, and automatically posts them on Instagram, YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Allowing twitter creators to gain more views, followers, leads, without any extra effort.

My direct competitor is Repurpose Pie.

At 12/02/2023, they hit $5500 MRR.

Their current MRR is unknown to me.

After how many weeks from now, will TweetShort hit $1000 MRR (monthly recurring revenue)?

The date of from now, I refer to April 28.

For example, if i hit $1000 MRR before may 5, i would have hit my target after 0 weeks from now. But if i hit it at or after May 5, but before May 12, it would be after 1 week from now.


0 -> 4/28-5/4,

1 -> 5/5-5/11,

2-> 5/12-5/18


5-> 6/2-6/8


And so on.

I will be regularly writing my current MRR and updates in the comments, and in text below.

As of April 28.

Started working on this project starting from April 17.

I got 1 customer, who paid me $15, so that i would give him early access to the product, and 50% discount.

I plan on charging $39/month for this product.

I expect the first version of the product will be ready at May 15.

April 29.

Already have the code that can fully automatically produce short videos. Here is an example:

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Already have the code that can fully automatically produce short videos. Here is an example:

Its kinda sad to see so many bet on the last bit. But at the same time it will be satisfying to see how the predictions will get shorter, as i do good work.