How many growth/marketing pomodoros before crosses >=$200 monthly recurring revenue?

Currently at $161MRR on Profitwell.

Max MRR was $183 in March 2022.

Local min was June 2022 at $127 MRR.

Been working on, the bedtime chatbot at various levels over several years with more focus on product/bugs and very little focus on growth/marketing.

This is an attempt to ballpark how much time invested in growth/marketing will get us across that $200MRR mark.

I'll go off of Profitwell and will resolve YES as soon as I see the reported MRR at >=$200MRR, even if it dips back down later in the month.

I expect to average about 30 growth/marketing pomodoros a month, but that could vary widely. I'll update marketing pomodoros here as well as MRR on at least a montly basis.

We'll include today's pomodoros so we'll start the count at 8.

Oct 11, 7:09pm: up to 13.

Oct 15, 9:40pm: 14. If I figure out how to get Emile on Whatsapp, I think I can maybe get to $200MRR faster.
nov 11: up to 22.

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Did 10 more, up to 24 total.

Next batch of marketing pomodoros coming right up. Starting with pomodoro 7 of hack day.

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