If You Had to Pick, What Criterium Would Most Likely Make a Prediction Markets Platform, "Better" Than Manifold.Markets?
resolved Dec 1
Enhanced Gaming Experience: A platform that offers more immersive and varied gaming experiences, including leaderboards, tournaments, and challenges.
Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools: A platform equipped with features to facilitate deeper truth-seeking, such as expert panels, fact-checking integrations, and user-driven research hubs.
Robust Free Speech Protections: A platform that unequivocally prioritizes and defends free thinking and speech, even in the face of controversy or external pressures.
Improved User Experience and Interface: A platform with a more intuitive, user-friendly design, faster load times, and seamless transitions between markets and discussions.
Community-Driven Governance: A platform where users have a direct say in its rules, regulations, and future developments, ensuring it remains true to the community's core values.
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