Will Israel control Rafah by the end of May?
resolved Jun 1

This question will resolve YES if there is a media consensus that Israel controls the vast majority of Rafah by the end of May.

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Resolving no based on the wikipedia and ISW maps along with news reports.

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Israeli strikes overnight kill dozens of Palestinians in central Gaza. Here's what you need to know. - CNN

  • "At least 450,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah, according to the UN's agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), as Israeli officials say they will press ahead with plans for a full-scale ground invasion of the city."

  • "Build-up of Israeli forces near Rafah: The Biden administration has assessed that Israel has amassed enough troops on the edge of Rafah to move forward with a full-scale incursion in the coming days, but senior US officials are currently unsure if it has made a final decision to carry out such a move in direct defiance of President Joe Biden, two senior administration officials told CNN."

@Noah as Rafah spans the border and is both in Gaza and Egypt, will this market resolve if Israel controls the vast majority of only the Gazan city and not the Egyptian one?

@shankypanky Only the part in Gaza will count