Manifold lottery 1 in 20 chance
Sep 13

A number between 1 and 20 will be drawn with fairlyrandom. If it is 1, then this market will resolve to yes.

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@NielS ping โ˜บ๏ธ

@yetforever Sorry i kind of forgot about this market. I asked fairlyrandom for the number but no reply yet. I'm starting to think the bot doesn't work anymore since the updates to the platform.

@NielS The bot seems to be working. I think it just sometimes misses mentions. Try asking for a number again. (And I guess you can just count the first reply from the bot that contains a number, in case you get two answers.)

@NielS Just wanted to ping again for this question! ๐Ÿ˜Š

@yetforever i tried again and doesn't seem to work. Can you try if it answers to you the fairlyrandom bot? Otherwise will have to resolve to N/A

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Hm, does anyone know why this market was set to unlisted?

@mods I think this should be unranked!

@yetforever What does that even mean?

@NielS The Unranked tag on a market means that traders' profits/losses don't count towards Manifold league rankings.

@yetforever Who cares?