Will Elsa come out as Lesbian in Frozen 3?

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This question should have "if Trump wins" and "if Biden wins" options.

"Put a chick in it and make it gay" - Kathleen Kennedy from South Park

Hi, moderator here. This is not US politics, so I've removed that topic. Please accurately choose your topics in the future.


How is this resolved in an edge case? i.e. Elsa is show canonically in a relationship with another woman but does not opine about her sexuality (leaving it open that she might be bisexual or pansexual).

@ZacParker Good question. Implied or speculated sexuality does not count, it must be fairly obvious (not just a friendship). She must either say she is in love with a woman, or kiss, etc. bisexual will resolve as yes. Pan sexual that includes attraction to women resolves yes.

@ZacParker If it is really hard, I will resolve to seeing what a majority of the internet says.

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