Should be a Disney Princess, or Prince if they start including Disney princes on the same level as princesses in art/merch (eg Mulan is a Disney Princess despite not actually being a princess).
Must be explicit in the movie (being presented in kid friendly terms is fine). They don't need to use the word lesbian or trans or whatever, it's fine if eg a princess falls in love with another princess, or a princess comes out as a prince, or similar.
Things like eg Mulan cross dressing while showing no indication of actually being a man, or a princess kissing another woman in a dream / while shape changed / in any way that doesn't seem to be canon in the context of the film etc don't count.
Queer includes, but isn't limited to,
Same sex attraction
Non binary
Aromantic / asexual (this can't just be implicit from the Princess not pursuing romance eg Merrida, it must be made fairly explicit)
What counts:
Any of the current 13 official princesses coming out in a future film
Anna or Elsa, despite them apparently not being official princesses?!
Future princesses ("I know it when I see it" definition of princess)
Direct to streaming sequels/films
What doesn't count:
Interspecies romance (unless it's same sex)
Things that are clearly just visual gags
Disney publicly stating Elsa has been a lesbian all along but never indicating it in an official film
Side characters
FOX princesses (eg Leia)
"and they were room-mates" style hinting (including e.g. Princesses holding hands in a crowd scene)
Your headcanon
Other edge cases;
If Disney stops producing recognisable princess films, will revert to Disney's flagship films that fill the same niche
If Disney goes bust, changes name, merges etc, will resolve according to whichever organisation owns the Disney Princess IP
Deadline will extend as needed
If you have questions about edge cases I'll clarify in the comments. If I stop using manifold before this resolves, I encourage someone who roughly understands what I'm getting at to adopt the question and respond to clarification requests on my behalf.
The intent is for it to be a main character in a flagship Disney film. I'm reflecting on the fact that as defined now, a canon romance between Simba and Kovu wouldn't count even though, yknow, it feels like it should.
Is Disney Princess too narrow?