Will I reach a rank of 10 kyu or better in go on OGS before the end of 2024?
Dec 31

I play go as a hobby. Once a week in a go club and online on OGS, recently nearly every day. My current rank is ~14 kyu (less is better, up to 1k after which there are dan ranks, higher is better; read more on Wikipedia if you're interested).

My profile on OGS: https://online-go.com/user/view/1223282

What I ask in this question is my rank on OGS, not my real strength in official rankings of any go association.

Market will resolve to YES as soon as I reach a ranking of 10 kyu before the market closes. Otherwise resolves to NO.

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bought Ṁ30 of YES

Omg, another amateur go player. Getting 10 kyu on OGS really isn't hard.

bought Ṁ6 of YES

shouldn't be too hard. though looking at your profile doesn't instill confidence, you seem to have a tough time against stronger opponents