Will the average monthly net salary in Kyiv, Ukraine reach 1000 US$ or more until January 1, 2030?

This market will resolve as "Yes" if by January 1, 2030 or earlier:

1. Crowdsourced Data Confirmation: The average monthly net salary data from reputable crowdsourced platforms like Numbeo or a similar source should confirm that the average monthly net salary in Kyiv has reached or exceeded $1000.

2. Sustained Increase: The data should indicate a sustained increase in average monthly net salaries in Kyiv, demonstrating a trend towards or beyond the $1000 mark.

3. Consistent Reporting: The data should consistently show the average monthly net salary meeting or surpassing the $1000 threshold for at least 3 months.

4. Reliability of Source: The chosen crowdsourced platform should be recognized for reliability and accuracy in reporting economic indicators.

5. No Major Data Discrepancies: There should be no major discrepancies or irregularities in the data that could cast doubt on the accuracy of the reported average monthly net salary reaching $1000 or more.

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Avg net income in Kyiv as of 1.03.2024 is 515.04$

2024 dollars or 2040 dollars?

@Thomas42 I understand your irony, in current dollars at that time, not 2024-adjusted dollars.