Will OpenAI face a lawsuit in which a company claims that a GPT they released was copied or cloned, by July 1, 2024?
Jul 2

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Is the question whether an entity will claim that OpenAI released a model that was a copy or clone of said entity's? GPT is the product name OpenAI has given their specific LLMs.

As an example, if an entity (say Mistral) sues OpenAI claiming that GPT-4.5 is a full or partial copy of Mixtral8x7B, then this would resolve YES? And conversely, if OpenAI sued Mistral and claimed that Mixtral8x7B was a full or partial copy of GPT3.5, that wouldn't be a factor in this market?

Do you count claims that a model was trained using the outputs of one of the plaintiff's models? This isn't really a copy or clone, but may still appear in some allegations.

@Pykess Companies and individuals have been claiming that their GPTs are belong cloned and then released on the GPT marketplace. So, there are multiple copies of the same GPTs.

predicts NO

@MichaelLomuscio I see. You were referring to the GPT marketplace. Neither the title nor the description made that clear. OpenAI wouldn't really be "releasing" it then, no? It's just a third party's GPT on OpenAI's marketplace.

@Pykess The "they" in the title refers to the company, not to OpenAI.

Pronouns like this should often be avoided when speaking precisely, they're too ambiguous.