A presidential candidate will take a stance against AI by Feb 1, 2024.
resolved Jan 13

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I agree. Whatever "against AI" ever meant, it had to include this.

@MichaelLomuscio I feel like this being posted by Trump on his social media platform should count:

"This is A.I., and it is very dangerous for our Country! Also, I was never on Epstein’s Plane, or at his ‘stupid’ Island. Strong Laws ought to be developed against A.I. It will be a big and very dangerous problem in the future!”

He's pretty clearly criticizing AI.

bought Ṁ100 YES from 70% to 76%
bought Ṁ0 of NO

@Arky Oh wow, if this market is just going by the title then yeah I think that probably qualifies.

predicted YES
bought Ṁ100 of YES

@MichaelLomuscio you got any thoughts?

bought Ṁ20 of YES

@Arky Man I nearly forgot his weird jumpy style.


“Strong laws ought to be developed against A.I.” is about as clear of a stance as it gets.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I’m baffled by how low the probability of this market is.

predicted NO

please clarify resolution criteria

bought Ṁ30 of YES


RFK Jr., Democratic candidate for president, talks about what he would do to regulate AI

This is from last year, and he's now running as an independent, and it's unclear what "stance against AI" means, but other than that it seems to fit.

Is Will Hurd's AI policy plan "against AI" or for it?https://www.axios.com/2023/09/20/first-ai-plan-republican-primary

Also DeSantis has stated at different times that AI must be developed to compete against China, and also AI is a tool of "woke" companies. Does this count as "against AI"?https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/debates/republican-candidates-artificial-intelligence-stances/

What does it mean to be "against" AI? Wants it banned? Does not believe it exists? Restricting development? Wants to nationalize? What if their stance is it's a net plus but its uses need some regulation?

What counts as a candidate? Someone actually running in the general, or just someone competing in a primary?

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